For Authors 

Write with JoPC
  • Easily accessible manuscript submission platform without the need of specific manuscript requirements.
  • Prior to peer review you get access and can improve your manuscript due to being free of charge and full language editing report at point of submission.
  • Get the committed and enthusiastic editors who are active in their specific communities.
  • Ensure that all published manuscripts undergo an in-depth peer review process.
  • Quick, efficient publication with full transparency on all publishing metrics.
  • Wider impact, vast reach, and huge visibility of your research through open access.
  • Submission Guidelines

    For the ease of understanding; we are assuming that you are going to write a full article, however you can also submit review, popular and editorial articles as well as letters and short communications. We would also appreciate your efforts if you would like to send your comments as a reader of our journal and help us improve.
    Before you submit, we recommend to go through the requirements to publish the article, you should:

    • Go through the Focus and Scope to make sure you ‘re on the right page.
    • Go through the Article Processing Charge details.
    • Go through the manuscript to make it accurate and readable via language editing.
    • Go through the copyright agreement

    Make sure your manuscript is accurate and readable - Language editing.

    Submission of Article

    The article of interest may vary from researcher to researcher or in broader terms readers may have different preference, but the importance of each article whether it is a full article, review or a short communication is equal; so before you start writing make yourself well versed with the guidelines of the type of article you wish to communicate. It is very important to choose the right type of article that suits your need and design a check list of the items that you feel are important like:

    • Make sure you visit your journals web page and browse for the Guideline, timeline and other information that you need.
    • Does your article fall under the scope of the journal you have chosen?
    • Is the publication option meeting your needs?
    • Have you read and understood author guidelines?
    • Ensure that you’re submitting your article to one journal at a time. International ethics standards suggest that you make sure that you’re following their guidelines which prohibit multiple submissions of an article at a time.
    • Communicate with your co-authors and do not forget to credit them for their contributions.
    • If you are writing your first article do not hesitate to ask your supervisor or colleagues for help.
    • It is very important that the articles that you give in reference lead directly to the same article. Avoid any ambiguous words and check for redundancy.
    • Reading some previously published articles will always help in constructing a good article.
    Detail of submission process
  • Go to Submit Manuscript.
  • Locate the journal in which you would like to submit your manuscript
  • Register in the journal and, then log on to the journal by entering the user id and password or Directly click to submit the article and fill the form.
  • On successful submission, an email acknowledgement will be received to your registered email
  • Further correspondence

    JoPC understands that getting a manuscript published is a big step for you and here we ensure that you do not face any difficulty in the process, for your ease we’re always here to help you all the time.

    You can contact us at :[email protected] or write us at Query Portal.

    Author Eligibility

    Authors must meet all four conditions in order to be listed.

    • Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, and
    • Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and
    • Final approval of the version to be published, and
    • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
    Author Benefits
    • Widest Introduction to Global Community
    • Share your research with the world
    • Faster Processing Time
    • Inform the future
    • High Standard Review Process

    For more details on Author benefits and open access. Click Here.

  • As soon as you submit your manuscript to us we provide you with a unique reference Id that will help you to communicate better with us and will also help you to track your manuscript.
  • We check your article that has reached us is complete and also see if the artwork or illustrations are of good quality and clarity.
  • Send corresponding author an acknowledgement email stating the Reference Id
  • At acceptance we send the corresponding author a Journal Publishing Agreement.
  • Publication
  • We correct any mistakes identified by you on the proof.
  • Give the corresponding author intimation of the publication
  • Send the final copy to printer
  • Distribute the journal to our subscribers
  • Article processing Charges

    All articles we publish freely available online. Below you can find resources that provide details on our article processing charges (APCs) and an explanation of what these encompass, as well as information on our waiver policies.

    Peer review

    All articles submitted to us are subjected to stringent reviewing process for considering a manuscript for publication. These submitted manuscripts are edited by acknowledged experts in their respective fields the reviewer is assigned by the journal editor.

    Editor can decide whether to not to send a manuscript for review and handle the review process by themselves.

    Key points
  • To ensure that only good quality research is published, the reviewer determines the originality, and significance of work.
  • If appropriate reviewers sometimes suggest minor alterations in the manuscript or research, and if the article fails in the terms of originality and validity reviewer have the right to reject the articles.
  • What do reviewers do?

    Reviewers are generally scientists or academician who have colossal experience in their fields and have acknowledged themselves as experts of the subject. What a reviewer does is recommend the editor of the journal to accept the manuscript, accept with modification or reject the manuscript. For their assessment they have stringent guidelines that make certain that only a good quality manuscript is published, they also have an editorial form and a checklist to help them evaluate the content for its authenticity and closely look at the methodology that you have adopted, they also check for the structure of the manuscript and if you have referenced the articles correctly. Based on these stringent guidelines they recommend the editor to publish the manuscript.

    Type of reviews

    Type of review process Details

    Single Blind review

    Identitiy of the author is not disclosed to the reviewer

    Double Blind Review

    Identity of reviewer and author are undisclosed to each other

    Open review

    Both author and reviewer are known

    Single Blind review

    Identity of the author is not disclosed to the reviewer

    Double Blind review

    Identity of reviewer and author are undisclosed to each other

    Open review

    Both author and reviewer are known

    Word of caution

    By publishing your article with us, you enter into a legal agreement with JoPC and accept the terms and agreement of publishing with us and it’s the responsibility of an author to act ethically and in a sound manner. We at JoPC are dedicated to protect the rights of an author; we make it certain that your work is solely credited to your name. We would suggest you to go through and understand the terms and conditions carefully.

    Certifications, Copyrights, Re-productions & Permissions
  • It is the responsibility of the author to check for the copyright and ownership issues related to the content published in the article and if such content does appear in the article it is the duty of the author to obtain permission from the copyright or ownership holder, also the content should be properly credited.
  • Submission of manuscript to the journal also implies that the author has given contribution in materializing the research.
  • Transfer of Copyright
  • To facilitate the transfer of Copyright, a Declaration and Copyright Transfer Form is provided on the website of the journal and a sample form is also available in annexure I and II respectively
  • From authors, the copy of duly signed form(scanned copy or image should reach the publication management team within 48 hours of the final accepted copy of the manuscript for proofreading, the hard copy of the document should follow.
  • If the publication management team does not receive the copy of your form timely the journal will hold the article publication in the target issue.
  • The article submitted here has not been published anywhere else and is not under consideration in any other journal, if selected the article will be published with journal and will not be published anywhere else.
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