National Journal of Labour and Industrial Law (njlil)

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About the journal

National Journal of Labour and Industrial Law [Applied(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2018 encircling Labour Law also known as Employment Law and is about the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents that address the legal rights and restrictions on working people and their organizations. As such, it mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers, and employees. In other words, Labour law defines the rights and obligations of workers, union members, and employers at the workplace. Journal of Labour and Industrial Law gives scholars, practitioners, and professionals an opportunity or platform for research on the law and current case studies on industrial disputes and submit the valuable peer in the form of review papers, research papers, case studies, short articles, book reviews, etc.

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Journal Specification

Publishing optionHybrid Open Access
Type of PublicationPeer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)
Impact Factor(SJIF)
IndexingAdvanced Sciences Index (ASI), CLOCKSS, Crossref, Google Scholar, LOCKSS
PublisherSTM Journals
Issues Per Year2 Print Issues
Launch Date2018

Editor spotlight

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Special Issues

We currently have a number of Special Issues open for submission. Special Issues highlight emerging areas of research within a field, or provide a venue for a deeper investigation into an existing research area. Propose SI Topic

National Journal of Labour and Industrial Law (njlil)

Journal Image

About journal

National Journal of Labour and Industrial Law [Applied(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2018 encircling Labour Law also known as Employment Law and is about the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents that address the legal rights and restrictions on working people and their organizations. As such, it mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers, and employees. In other words, Labour law defines the rights and obligations of workers, union members, and employers at the workplace. Journal of Labour and Industrial Law gives scholars, practitioners, and professionals an opportunity or platform for research on the law and current case studies on industrial disputes and submit the valuable peer in the form of review papers, research papers, case studies, short articles, book reviews, etc.

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Journal Specification…

Publishing optionHybrid Open Access
Type of PublicationPeer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)
Impact Factor(SJIF)[]
IndexingAdvanced Sciences Index (ASI), CLOCKSS, Crossref, Google Scholar, LOCKSS
PublisherSTM Journals
Issues Per Year2 Print Issues
Launch Date2018

Editor spotlight

[display-frm-data id=4247 pass_editor=”njlil”]

Meet Editorial Board

Special Issues

We currently have a number of Special Issues open for submission. Special Issues highlight emerging areas of research within a field, or provide a venue for a deeper investigation into an existing research area. Propose SI Topic

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